Baber Elected San Diego Bowl Game Association President
The San Diego Bowl Game Association’s board of directors has
elected Lawrence P. Baber president of the 2008 Pacific Life Holiday Bowl and
San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl.
The United States Naval Academy Midshipmen have accepted an invitation to play in the 3rd annual San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl, 2007 President Rudy Castruita announced today. The game will be played on Thursday, December 20 at 6 p.m. (PST) at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego, California.
Ticket prices for the 2007 San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl increase Thursday, November 1. Current prices for the Poinsettia Bowl range from $23 to $45 and will go up $10 per ticket.
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